To the ultimate online course for medical professionals looking to expand their knowledge and technique in non-surgical rhinoplasty, taught by the renowned Dr. Ayad! If you're a medical health professional looking to enhance your skills and expertise in non-surgical rhinoplasty, then you're in the right place. Dr. Ayad's signature technique, the 3 Point Rhino, has been used to transform the noses of countless satisfied patients.

Take your non surgical rhinoplasty to the next level and offer your patients perfect results every time

This comprehensive course covers advanced techniques for complex cases and a wide variety of cosmetic concerns, all tailored specifically to medical professionals. With detailed video tutorials and expert guidance, you'll gain a deep understanding of the anatomy, techniques, and approach used in non-surgical rhinoplasty.


In this online course, medical health professionals will gain a deep understanding of nasal anatomy and the critical role it plays in performing non-surgical rhinoplasty. Dr. Ayad emphasizes the importance of understanding the anatomy of the nose, including the underlying structures and their relationships, in order to safely and effectively perform non-surgical rhinoplasty.

The course will cover the anatomy of the nasal bone, cartilage, and soft tissues, as well as the vascular and nerve supply to the nose. Participants will learn about the various techniques and materials used in non-surgical rhinoplasty and how to select the most appropriate approach for each patient based on their individual anatomy.

A paper by Rohrich et al. discusses the complex anatomy of the nose and how it changes with age, as well as the implications of these changes for non-surgical rhinoplasty. They emphasize that a thorough understanding of nasal anatomy is essential for achieving safe and effective outcomes in non-surgical rhinoplasty.


By the end of the course, medical health professionals will have a solid understanding of nasal anatomy and how it relates to non-surgical rhinoplasty. They will be able to use this knowledge to select the most appropriate techniques and approach, as well as to anticipate and manage potential complications.